334 Glen Falls Rd,
Clarksburg WV 26301-6202
Sundays at 10:00 am and 6:00 pm
Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
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Outreach category – current and prior posts
- Praise the Lord! Bro. Trey Sell was water baptized in Jesus name! January 31, 2021
- It’s Pentecost Sunday! May 31, 2020
Join us in celebration, and in seeking God for miracles, signs, and wonders to be done in the name of Jesus!
Today we celebrate several things, and notably the birthday of the First Century New Testament Church!
Pentecost Sunday (also known as Whitsunday) is very foundational to Christians. Pentecost (from Greek) translates as “the fiftieth” (from the Hebrew for “50” — Shavuot). It’s the fiftieth day after the Feast of First Fruits (i.e. the feast when the Resurrection of Jesus also happened). There are at least two major reasons for the spiritual significance of the day of Pentecost. First, its great prominence in the list of annual feasts God commanded the Hebrews to keep was because God chose this day of the year to originally grant His word/law to the Hebrew people while they were gathered at Mt. Sinai, during Moses’ time. There was prophetic foreshadowing of the second great giving of God’s law, when on the birthday of the New Testament Church in Acts 2 (50 days after the Resurrection), God fulfilled His promise to shift into a mode of writing His law in peoples’ hearts (in addition to important external forms such as written). This internal writing is done as a part of the infilling of the Holy Ghost, as God fills repentant believers with Himself — in Spirit essence. Thus the outpouring of the Holy Spirit (a.k.a. Spirit of God / Christ / Lord Jesus) on those who believe in Jesus and ask for God’s Holy Spirit is an essential part of being born again and regenerated. In Acts 2, that initial outpouring occurred fifty days after the resurrection of Christ (see Acts 2:1-4), on the very day of the ancient Jewish festival called the “feast of weeks” or “day of Pentecost” or (in Hebrew) “Shavuot” (see Exodus 34:22 and Deuteronomy 16:10). (Whitsunday is a name used on some calendars because of the white garments that were worn by some who were baptized in a vigil during the holiday.)
If you are not Spirit-filled, allow God to fill you today!
- Resurrection Sunday at CAC! (10am & 6pm) April 14, 2019
Join in powerful celebration of JESUS Christ’s resurrection! By His power over death He can bless, heal, and liberate you! Resurrection Sunday (Easter) April 21, 2019 at 10:00 am and 6:00 pm! Please LIKE & SHARE!
- Celebrate Pentecost Sunday / Celebra el Domingo de Pentecostés May 19, 2018
Celebrate Pentecost Sunday / Celebra el Domingo de Pentecostés
at Christian Apostolic Church / en la Iglesia Apostólica Cristiana
May 20, 2018 – 10 am and 6 pm / 20 de mayo de 2018 – 10 A.M. y 6 P.M.
334 Glen Falls Rd, Clarksburg, WV • • - Project 35 – Saturday, May 6, 2017 – Ripley, WV April 22, 2017
- FISH Students called upon to participate in JesusFest outreach July 22, 2015
The outreach booth (design shown below) features, among other things, FISH Student Ministries. Volunteers staffing the booth will be able to wear outreach tees (shown below) that are coordinated to match the theme of the booth.
Note: the deadline for turning in your order for your outreach tee is Wednesday, July 22. To order, either sign the form at church, or contact either Youth Pastor Rusty Sandy, Pastor Doug Joseph, or Outreach Leaders Baron & Jenni Claypool.
Outreach Booth Plan
Outreach Tees
coordinated to match theme of booth