FISH Students called upon to participate in JesusFest outreach

The outreach booth (design shown below) features, among other things, FISH Student Ministries. Volunteers staffing the booth will be able to wear outreach tees (shown below) that are coordinated to match the theme of the booth.

Note: the deadline for turning in your order for your outreach tee is Wednesday, July 22. To order, either sign the form at church, or contact either Youth Pastor Rusty Sandy, Pastor Doug Joseph, or Outreach Leaders Baron & Jenni Claypool.

Outreach Booth Plan

Outreach Booth Plan - 2-in PVC Screen Shot 2015-07-21 at 6.18.42 PM Outreach Booth Plan - 2-in PVC Screen Shot 2015-07-21 at 6.25.53 AM Outreach Booth Plan - 2-in PVC Screen Shot 2015-07-21 at 6.26.18 AM Outreach Booth Plan - 2-in PVC Screen Shot 2015-07-21 at 6.29.35 AM

Outreach Tees
coordinated to match theme of booth

2015 JesusFest CAC T-Shirt BACK ver G 2015 JesusFest CAC T-Shirt FRONT ver A
