First location of services. The Feathers bought the old Methodist church building at 1336 North 19th Street in Clarksburg’s North View neighborhood.

CAC’s second location (still current as of 2019, with construction about to start on third location). Sign: “Future Home of Christian Apostolic Church – Full Gospel – We Shall Glorify the Name of God.”

Construction on second location on N. 20th St between Clarksburg’s North View neighborhood and an adjacent town called Arlington.

Construction progresses on CAC’s second location on N. 20th St between Clarksburg’s North View neighborhood and an adjacent town called Arlington.

Glorious day! Grand parade from old building to new, for the first service. From right to left: Sis. Patty Stewart, Sis. Paulette Farrell & daughter Kelly.

Taken at first service in the new facility. The building was not yet fully completed. Later, the first “official” service was in May 1978, when CAC hosted WV District Spring Conference.

CAC’s second facility at the time of its completion. Image scanned from 22-page keepsake booklet compiled by Sister Laquetta (Pride) Haddix.
CAC’s second facility as it looks today. CAC has now purchased property on I-79, and is preparing to build its third location. Online donations (one-time, or recurring) to the building fund may be set up here. All donations are tax deductible, as CAC has status with the IRS as a 501(c)(3). May God richly bless you for investing into this work in His kingdom!
Christian Apostolic Church of Clarksburg, WV is associated with the United Pentecostal Church International. The UPCI has been among the fastest growing denominations in North America. It is one of the largest Oneness Pentecostal church organizations in existence.
We thank God for Christian Apostolic Church’s godly heritage. Rev. and Mrs. William “Bill” G. Feathers moved to Clarksburg, West Virginia in April, 1971 for the express purpose of establishing a new church as a home mission work (i.e. domestic mission work) of the United Pentecostal Church International, with which he was ordained.
Previously another UPCI minister, Brother Curtis Stallard, had labored to establish a UPCI presence in Clarksburg. He was no stranger to West Virginia’s great Pentecostal heritage (more information about him is available in the printed history book, Our Historical Stepping Stones of the West Virginia District — A History of the East Central / West Virginia District — Pentecostal Church, Inc. • Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ • United Pentecostal Church International, available for purchase here: http://authorstock.com/wvupci).
Brother Stallard had since felt called of the Lord to a different field of labor. Before his departure, he sold a building they had been using for church services, and donated the proceeds from the sale to the Feathers, to assist them in getting another church started. The goal of both was the same: to have an Apostolic, one-God, Jesus-name, tongue-talking, Holy Ghost-filled, United Pentecostal Church in Clarksburg, WV.
Soon after their arrival, the Feathers purchased the old Methodist church building at 1336 North 19th Street in Clarksburg’s North View neighborhood. They spent about six weeks laboring to completely remodel the interior of the building, adding Sunday school rooms, a restroom, and a baptistery. A few precious founding members helped them, including a young preacher by the name of Charles Hoskins, who served as an Elder of CAC until his passing in March of 2018. It was not easy, but they had a mind to work, and thus, the humble beginnings of Christian Apostolic Church became a reality. The redone building was soon opened for services, and excitement and momentum were tangible.
The first service took place on Sunday, May 23, 1971, with 21 persons in attendance. God anointed the work powerfully, and soon many souls were added to the church. Pastor Feathers was a great preacher who was determined to pioneer a church in Clarksburg for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was a single-minded soulwinner who knocked doors tirelessly and taught many Bible studies in living rooms and kitchens or anywhere someone would listen. He won many souls to God, and his ministry produced a steady stream of stalwart disciples who were also soulwinners.
Soon the lively, young congregation outgrew the little church building. Under Pastor and Sister Feathers’ anointed and energetic leadership, the church purchased property to the northward, just outside the Clarksburg city limits, and there they began construction of a great, new facility, while continuing to worship in the previous little church with standing room only. According to a newspaper article clipped from the Clarksburg Exponent-Telegram, dated Sunday, March 24, 1974 (three years into the work), the church’s record attendance up to that point was 186, and two Sunday school bus routes had been established.
(These things were accomplished while CAC was still meeting at the original location on 19th Street.) The Sunday of the article’s appearance was set aside as a “Pastor Appreciation Service”, with special guest Pastor Roy J. Riffle from Friendsville, Maryland, along with his wife Reba, and their daughters Pam and Sheryl.
New Building Completed! Parade March to new location: Easter Sunday, March 26, 1978
On Easter Sunday, March 26, 1978 the seven-year-old congregation held their first service in the new facility, even though it was not totally completed yet. On that glorious day, there was a triumphant march from the former building to their new location, on North 20th Street, beyond North View and at the entrance to Arlington. By May of 1978, after much hard work, the wonderful, new building was completed, and CAC hosted the WV District Spring Conference in their new facility. What a triumphant day! We still enjoy the same location to this day.
Pastor Feathers’ mother and step-father, known affectionately to all as Sister “Nan” Rogers and Brother “Pap” Rogers, contributed so much toward the new facility and were so well loved that CAC’s current Fellowship Hall bears their name in memorial. The wonderful time period of the construction and completion of the new building was documented in a 22-page keepsake booklet compiled by Sister Laquetta Haddix (then Laquetta Joy Pride). Some printed copies of the booklet survive to this day.
Pastor Feathers had a gift for winning and influencing men. Any church that can do well at winning men will be a strong church, because men tend to lead their wife and children with them into the church. This was the case under Pastor Feathers. In his ministry, men genuinely wanted to be like their leader; they sincerely wanted to be dedicated to God and be used by the Lord. Many were also called by the Lord to preach, and some became pastors, as well. From CAC, the Lord called and sent out several preachers who founded churches in nearby areas, including some that are still in operation to this day, such as Calvary Apostolic Church (founded by Pastor David Harris Sr) in Grafton, WV, and Midway Apostolic Church (founded by the late Pastor George C. Cross, now led by Pastor Ricky L. Hymes) in Philippi, WV.
Likewise, Sister Beverly Feathers was (and still is) a great role model and motivator for women. As a godly, beautiful, Christian lady of integrity, her tenure of service at CAC modeled the kind of life that made other women want to emulate her. As a wife, mother, and founding first lady, her holy example caused other women to want to become a godly lady like she was. After Pastor Feathers was taken to his eternal reward in 1992, she continued to set a wonderful example in the great work she did as executive assistant at Riverside Apostolic Church in Morgantown, WV, and later at the headquarters of the United Pentecostal Church International, in St. Louis, MO, where she helped Sister Thetus Tenney to launch and facilitate the UPCI’s fledgling World Network Of Prayer. She later returned to West Virginia to resume her work at Riverside Apostolic Church. All those whose lives have been touched by Brother and Sister Feathers owe a dept of gratitude to this tremendous couple.
Under the church’s fourth pastor, Brother Doug Joseph, the mortgage was paid off, and a great celebration was held in March of 2008. Today, Christian Apostolic Church is alive and well. Souls are being added to the church daily, and faithful disciples are continuing to grow in faith and wisdom.
Addendum: New property was purchased in 2011 and paid off in 2013, and the church is in the midst of planning and preparations to build a new facility just south of town, which will be visible from I-79. This process has been a clear vision and strong burden of Pastor Doug Joseph, due to the size limitations of the current property, especially regarding the size of the parking lot.
CAC’s Pastoral Succession / Tenure of Pastors

1a. CAC’s founding pastor & first lady: Rev. and Mrs. William “Bill” & Beverly Feathers (early days)

1b. CAC’s founding pastor & first lady: Rev. and Mrs. William “Bill” & Beverly Feathers (later days)

4b. CAC’s fourth pastor and family (in 2015), with pastor’s mother, Jeannette Joseph, who passed March 31, 2017.
Pastor Bill Feathers served CAC until his death in 1992 (1971-1992). After he passed on, CAC was led for about three years by Pastor Leonard Plowman (1992-1995). Then CAC was blessed by the leadership of Pastor Terry Null for about seven years (1995-2002). At the time of this publishing, CAC’s current leader, Pastor Doug Joseph, is in his tenth year of service (2002-present). To this day, both of the living, former pastors and our founding first lady occasionally come back to CAC to minister, and the church body is blessed to maintain ties with them. All of CAC’s pastors and first ladies have been phenomenal men and women of God. We are ever more thankful for our godly heritage here at CAC.
Miscellaneous Information
Being that Christian Apostolic Church is located fairly centrally within the State of West Virginia, over the years the church has served as host to quite a few WV District UPCI events and other statewide events, including having hosted an annual men’s conference for several years. The church’s pulpit has been graced by many outstanding preachers over the years, both from within West Virginia and beyond, including Pastor Jeff Arnold (a well known conference speaker from Gainesville, Florida), Rev. T.F. Tenney (a noted author & conference speaker, and former general youth president of the UPCI, and former general director of the UPCI’s Foreign Missions Division, and former superintendent of the Louisiana District of the UPCI), and of course, West Virginia’s own Rev. Billy Cole (a genuine apostle and prophet who was renowned among Apostolic Pentecostals all around the word). It just so happened that Brother Cole was the pastor of CAC’s current pastor and first lady, Doug and LaDonna Joseph. Brother and Sister Joseph edited (2004-2007) & published (2007) the exciting and adventurous memoirs of Brother Billy Cole and Sister Shirley Cole. That book, The Life and Ministry of Billy and Shirley Cole, is a great reference on the godly heritage of the WV District of the UPCI and of the UPC in general. It is available for purchase from www.amazon.com and www.billycolebook.com.
Brief Biography of (and Memorial to) CAC’s Founding Pastor
William “Bill” Guy Feathers was born October 18, 1939. During the summer of 1951, when he was 11 years old, he received the Holy Ghost while attending a district-wide youth camp at the UPCI campground at Buckeye Lake, Ohio. He graduated with honors from Apostolic Bible Institute, St. Paul, MN, in 1960. He was married on October 23, 1960 to the former Beverly Hall, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Ira Hall of St. Louis, Missouri. At that time Brother Feathers was 21 years of age, and Sister Feathers was 19 years of age. (She was born on February, 20, 1941.) Brother and Sister Feathers pastored in Sang Run, Maryland and then also assisted full-time in Parkersburg, West Virginia. They afterward evangelized for about a year. Then, when Brother Feathers was 31 years of age and Sister Feathers was 30 years old, they founded the Christian Apostolic Church in Clarksburg, West Virginia. He faithfully served that assembly until his passing, twenty-one years later. Brother Feathers’ homegoing celebration was attended by many people, including many preachers and UPCI officials.
Brief Biography of (and Memorial to) CAC’s Third Pastor
Terry L. Null was born in La Porte, Indiana and graduated from high school in New Buffalo, MI on Lake Michigan. Terry also graduated from Apostolic Bible Institute with a doctorate degree in theology. There he met and married his wife, Karen Embry. Terry’s ministry consisted of serving as youth pastor, pastor, representative of Tupelo Children’s Mansion, and evangelist for 40 years. He was world-renowned as a preacher who always ministered with the message of hope and faith, connecting people to Jesus Christ. Terry was honored to minister at the Upper Room in Jerusalem. His greatest joy was being “Papa” to his grandsons, Austin and J.T. and being called “Chief” and Dad by his only son, Trent. Terry was a lifetime member at Calvary Apostolic Church in Louisville, KY, pastored by Reverend G.L. Vittitow. Many people, including many preachers and UPCI officials, attended Brother Null’s homegoing celebration in Louisville, KY.
Brief Biography of CAC’s Current Pastor
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Email Pastor Doug Joseph
Douglas Gavin Joseph |
Email First Lady LaDonna Joseph
LaDonna Jean (Mullins) Joseph |
Douglas G. Joseph and LaDonna J. Mullins were married on December 17, 1988 in Charleston, WV. The Josephs have four great kids. Doug Joseph is an ordained minister in the United Pentecostal Church International (since 2003), and pastor of Christian Apostolic Church (since 2002). In 2004, the Josephs led CAC to establish Apostolic Christian Academy (K-12 Christian school). Rev. Joseph served on the board of directors of the WV & western MD Missions Department (part of the North American Missions Division), as secretary-treasurer from 2004-2012 and as director/chairman from 2012-2013. His term as director was shortened due to having been elected in 2013 to serve as presbyter of Section 1 of theWV & western MD District of the UPCI, but not before leading the district to an all-time record missions offering in the 2012 “Christmas For Christ” annual fund drive. (In 2017, another director led the department to shatter that record with a new one.) In 2013, Doug Joseph founded WhiteStone Publishing.
Previously, he served as creative director for the North American Missions Division (formerly known as General Home Missions Division), at the United Pentecostal Church International headquarters in St. Louis, MO, where the Josephs were blessed by the friendship and mentorship of Rev. and Mrs. Jack & Elsy Cunningham. Rev. Joseph helped launch the UPCI’s national Men’s Ministry, and was editor for the Apostolic Man magazine. He oversaw the creation of Ready To Be Free, a sweeping evangelism thrust. Before that, the Josephs served on pastoral staff of North Charleston Apostolic Church (Charleston, WV), blessed by the leadership of Pastor Billy & Shirley Cole.
LaDonna Joseph is a great wife and mom. She is CAC’s first lady, general secretary, school principal, and minister of music. She serves on the board of directors of the WV & western MD District UPCI Ladies Ministries department. She has also served as the pianist for WV’s All-State Choir. The Josephs helped the Coles to publish their memoirs, entitled The Life and Ministry of Billy and Shirley Cole (available at www.amazon.com and www.BillyColeBook.com). Rev. Joseph is also author of New Immortal (2009), Tesseract (2010), The Last Bye (2011), and coauthor of The Book of Salvation (2010), and edited In Lieu of Flowers, God Gave Us a Miracle (2013). All of books are available at www.amazon.com, www.authorstock.com, and wherever else great books are sold. LaDonna is a native of West Virginia. Doug hails from Shreveport, LA, and is an adopted, honorary West Virginian. Pastor Joseph’s blog is at dougjoseph.net.