Celebrate The Creator
Christian Apostolic Church is a conduit of the grace of God, through which our Lord JESUS is changing the world, one soul at a time. We’re a great group of friendly people. Let us welcome you! Please contact us so we can sit down together, get to know each other, and study the Holy Scriptures together. Please do visit us in service and worship with us. We can’t wait to meet you face to face.

“The answer, your excellencies, to the violence in our day and to the human atrocities in our day, is JESUS. He is the Prince of Peace.”

“We can do without many things, but we cannot do without the name of JESUS.”

“God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.”

“Every miracle begins with an impossibility!”

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
The Day a Killer Sneaked into Heaven
One day a killer sneaked into heaven. How? By the mercy and grace of God, of course. But why would a forgiven soul ever need to sneak in? Because a forgiven soul knows the forgiveness, knows their trespass which required it, and knows the price that was paid to grant it. The very last thing a forgiven soul would ever do is stroll into heaven like one who “owns the place”—like one who did not need mercy and grace to get there. As I was saying, one day a killer sneaked into heaven.